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Advanced Optical Materials: Volume 7, Issue 1
January 4, 2019
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Black-Phosphorous-Based Pulsed Lasers: 2D Black Phosphorus Saturable Absorbers for Ultrafast Photonics (Advanced Optical Materials 1/2019)
- First Published: 07 January 2019

Highly efficient and environmentally stable black-phosphorus-based ultrafast optical switches have been demonstrated by Meng Zhang, Han Zhang and co-workers in article number 1800224 by using light-induced deposition or inkjet-printing techniques. The demonstrated optical devices are capable to generate ultrashort wavelength-tunable pulses covering the spectral region from near- to mid-infrared, providing new potential efficacy for ultrafast laser technology.
Inside Front Cover
Halide-Perovskite Nanophotonics: Halide-Perovskite Resonant Nanophotonics (Advanced Optical Materials 1/2019)
- First Published: 07 January 2019

In article number 1800784, Sergey Makarov, Yuri Kivshar and co-workers overview recent progress in the study of optical effects originating from nanostructured metal-halide perovskites. They discuss various nanoantennas, nanowaveguides, metasurfaces, photonic crystals, and other types of nano- and micro-structures with the halide perovskites. Finally, applications of the nanostructures for low-threshold ultracompact lasers, improved photovoltaic energy harvesting, photodetection, and light-emission in real devices are discussed.
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Switchable Plasmonics: Switchable Plasmonic Nanocomposites (Advanced Optical Materials 1/2019)
- First Published: 07 January 2019

In article number 1801101, Mady Elbahri and Shahin Homaeigohar provide a review that, starting from the ancient switchable plasmonic nanocomposites, up to the present of reversible plasmonic reconfiguration with order–disorder switching, ends up with the new class of switchable plasmonic molecules as a future outlook.
Enlightening You on Advanced Optical Materials in the Old and New Years
- First Published: 07 January 2019
Hall of Fame Article
Concept, Theory, Design, and Applications of Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons at Microwave Frequencies
- First Published: 28 August 2018

The concept and applications of spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) at microwave frequencies are reviewed in this article. Spoof SPPs inherit the properties of natural SPPs, including dispersion characteristics, strong field confinement, and subwavelength resolution, and therefore are able to offer new solutions to functional devices and systems with high integration, compact size, and excellent performance.
Halide-Perovskite Resonant Nanophotonics
- First Published: 30 August 2018

Recent studies of optical properties of halide perovskites suggest many novel opportunities for a design of advanced nanophotonic devices due to their low-cost fabrication, relatively high values of the refractive index, existence of excitons at room temperatures, broadband bandgap tunability, high optical gain, and strong nonlinear response. This paper reviews the recent progress in the study of optical effects originating from nanostructured halide perovskites.
2D Black Phosphorus Saturable Absorbers for Ultrafast Photonics
- First Published: 17 September 2018

2D nanomaterials are emerging as a promising platform for ultrafast laser technology. Black phosphorus, in particular, has been reviewed: including the processing and integration strategies into saturable absorber devices as versatile, wideband ultrafast optical switches for short-pulse generation, as well as the current status of black phosphorus based pulsed lasers, providing new potential for applications in ultrafast photonic technology.
Large-Area Metal Gaps and Their Optical Applications
- First Published: 30 August 2018

Recent technological advances in the fabrication of nanometer and Ångstrom gaps in wafer scale are reviewed. A very broad frequency range, from terahertz to visible, is covered in terms of optical applications. These new-generation nanogaps will provide a new platform for 2D material plasmonics and biosensing with ultrahigh sensitivity.
Recent Advances in Optoelectronic Devices Based on 2D Materials and Their Heterostructures
- First Published: 28 August 2018

Owing to their controllable optoelectronic properties, good mechanical flexibility, strong light–material interaction, and broadband optical response, 2D materials and their heterostructures are attracting increasing attention for photonic applications. The basic properties, syntheses, and working mechanisms of 2D materials used in optoelectronic devices are introduced, and the challenges to achieving practical applications of 2D materials are also discussed.
Development of Organic Semiconductor Photodetectors: From Mechanism to Applications
- First Published: 02 September 2018

Organic photodetectors (OPDs) have many advantages such as high flexibility, large area scalability, easy processing, lightweight, and low-cost manufacturing, making them ideal candidates for innovative and disruptive applications in image sensing, optical communication, and chemical/biological detection. Their performance parameters have been continuously improved. Here, the development of OPDs as well as their working mechanism and potential applications are reviewed.
Perspective on Host Materials for Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence Organic Light Emitting Diodes
- First Published: 16 September 2018

The thermally activated delayed fluorescence (TADF) emitters are promising in organic light emitting diode (OLED) display technology where host materials play an important role for the performance and stability of devices. This review presents the structure–property–performance correlation of host materials developed for TADF OLEDs. The host materials are categorized into various groups depending on the functional groups.
Emerging Organic and Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Photovoltaic Devices for Specialty Applications: Low-Level-Lighting Energy Conversion and Biomedical Treatment
- First Published: 08 October 2018

Emerging organic and organic/inorganic hybrid photovoltaic devices, including dye-sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells, and perovskite solar cells, feature tunable band structures that can be modified through molecular designs and/or altering their compositions. The rapid progress of their use in two specialty areas—indoor light energy recycling and powering biomedical devices beneath the skin—is reviewed.
Low-Dimensional Saturable Absorbers in the Visible Spectral Region
- First Published: 30 August 2018

Saturable absorbers with appropriate nonlinear properties in the visible range are desired and boosted with the development of laser diode pumped lasers. Low dimensional materials are reviewed from optical properties to applications in the visible range. The design criteria for saturable absorbers are built and verified by reviewing low dimensional materials. The possible prospects are proposed for ultrafast photonics.
Switchable Plasmonic Nanocomposites
- First Published: 22 November 2018

Inspired by nature, smart nanocomposites evolve advanced materials for optical technologies. Such materials have progressed from classic nanocomposites with a limited fraction of optical nanofillers toward advanced systems operating by reconfiguration of a large number of nanoparticles tethered by switchable amphiphilic copolymers, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), etc. Such systems, and also advanced switchable nanocomposites based on plasmonic molecules, are introduced.
Progress Reports
Additive Manufacturing: Applications and Directions in Photonics and Optoelectronics
- First Published: 16 September 2018

3D printing technologies are opening new routes for photonics and optoelectronics, enabling devices with 3D architecture and with unprecedented level of integration. Here, the authors review the recent advances in additive manufacturing of optical materials, highlighting achievable spatial resolution, requirements for printable systems, and relevant examples of photonic and optoelectronic devices fabricated by 3D printing.
Colloidal Self-Assembly Concepts for Plasmonic Metasurfaces
- First Published: 17 September 2018

Self-assembly concepts for colloidal metasurfaces via incremental increase in the number of particles are reviewed here: from colloidal particles as building blocks, to unit cells from few colloids dominated by near-field coupling, over 1D plasmonic “polymers,” to collective coupling within particle clusters, and 2D plasmonic lattices with long-distance coupling.
Nonmetallic Materials for Plasmonic Hot Carrier Excitation
- First Published: 21 October 2018

Nonmetallic materials are an alternative to noble metals to excite hot carriers for photoelectric and photothermal conversions. This report outlines the recent progress in using transition metal nitrides, transition metal carbides, and metal oxides for photoelectric and photothermal applications. Although the field is preliminary, some of the nonmetallic materials possess superior photoelectric and photothermal properties to noble metals.
Exact Multipolar Decompositions with Applications in Nanophotonics
- First Published: 05 December 2018

The multipole expansion is a valuable source of information to study light–matter interactions. In this Progress Report the authors give an overview of the latest developments, review exact expressions that have been recently derived, and complete the framework with new results. Furthermore, they demonstrate the use of the exact multipolar decomposition expressions in selected examples of contemporary research interest in nanophotonics, and sketch some possibilities for applications in diverse fields.